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About Misty


My faith has been an anchor

Need some encouragement today? Grab my free "Sweet Thinking" download of Bible verses to remind you of the truth. It was my faith in God and HIS grace that I'm living in my calling. I encourage you to experience the love that no one else can give you BUT GOD.

Disappointment Into Dream Doer

As a little girl, my dream was to become a children's book author. I would hide in my bedroom closet where I created an office to create handmade books from paper, crayons, and staples (because I need binding, right!). I never imagined that I would become a young mother and wife while attending college. Only 10 months married to my high school sweetheart, I turned into a single-mother/widow/AND disappointed with life. I remember the day I walked behind my first husband's casket, and spoke to God inside my head. I kept my head up as I walked down the long aisle—not allowing a tear to come down my face. Giving myself a pep talk on one of the darkest days of my life. I said to myself, "You will NOT give up on all your dreams because you are a doer—AND YOU GET STUFF DONE!" In 2017, I self-published my first children's book and second in 2020. The little girl in the bedroom closet, didn't allow disappointment to steal or kill her DREAM—she just took a different route to get there.

More About Misty . . .

My hope is that ALL women would become educated and proactive when helping someone with a mental health challenge.—Misty E. Rivera


Certified crisis specialist

As a certified crisis specialist, I provide one-on-one care to people in a crisis situation. Whether you're a business owner seeking support for your employees, a parent dealing with child's mental health challenges, or an individual who needs a mentor—I'm capable of providing the care you need in a crisis.

Certified Suicide Prevention Instructor

As a certified suicide prevention instructor, I provide a 60-90 minute presentation of warning signs of suicide, background of suicide, and how to support a suicidal individual. After completion of the training, a certificate of completion is given to the attendee. 

Bachelor of Arts

Major: Sociology

Minor: Women's Studies

My education has allowed me to grow my insight on community. Women's Studies has given me a deep understanding on how to encourage and inspire women who need extra support.

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